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[PODCAST] Mastering Planned Giving for Nonprofit Sustainability – Mike Goorhouse

Mastering Planned Giving for Nonprofit Sustainability -   Wondering how to ensure the long-term sustainability of your nonprofit? Our latest episode with philanthropy expert Mike Goorhouse dives into the often-overlooked world of planned giving strategies. Mike...

[PODCAST] The Future of Social Philanthropy – John Del Bello

The Future of Social Philanthropy - John Del Bello  Social media platforms can be enjoyable, but are not always beneficial for building diverse communities, as younger generations are often not actively engaged with the content nonprofits are putting out. Younger...

[PODCAST] The Future of Giving: Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) – Greg Farrell and Mitch Stein

The Future of Giving: Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) - Greg Farrell and Mitch Stein Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) are becoming more and more prevalent in the nonprofit space, and it is becoming increasingly crucial for nonprofits to understand this method of giving. What...

[PODCAST] Making the Most of Google Grants – Sean Littman

Making the Most of Google Grants - Sean Littman Everyone in the nonprofit space is talking about Google Grants and how to get one for your nonprofit organization. But how do you use a Google Grant to its fullest potential once you’ve been approved for the grant?...

[PODCAST] Graduating from All-in-One Solutions – Sal Salpietro

Graduating from All-in-One Solutions - Sal Salpietro As your organization grows, all-in-one solutions may not be offering everything that your organization needs. How can you determine when it’s time to drop the all-in-one solutions and search for more fitting...

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