It’s an Election Year: Now What? – Jeff Kruszyna and Joel Baugher As presidential elections grow nearer, how much should your organization change your marketing strategy and how much should you keep the same? How can you make your attempts to connect with new...
Creating Email Marketing Campaigns That Get Results How well do Plato’s models of persuasion hold up with respect to direct email marketing over 2,400 years later? According to our guest Derek Scott, pretty reliably! Fundraisers who see poor results with...
New Fundraising Email Benchmarks Reveal Exciting Insights for Small Nonprofits Where do you get your nonprofit marketing best practices, statistics, and metrics? If you’re like many fundraisers, you pull from several different sources. And, since for-profit...
The Year-End Fundraising Email Timeline  The Year-End Fundraising Email Timeline This email timeline is based on real strategies that we implement with nonprofits to help grow their year-end fundraising year after year. Use this as a guide to craft your own email...
Are your emails getting through to your audience and raising support for your cause? Many organizations launch emailing because they’re encouraged by the anticipated ROI. On average, every $1 spent on an email campaign brings $44 of returns. But when it comes to...