Finances Don’t Have To Be a Burden​ – Alexis Becker How much time do you spend on your organization’s finances? Are you confident that you have the correct processes in place to manage your finances as efficiently and effectively as possible? Finances...
It’s practically impossible for any business or organization in any industry to thrive without the use of technology. As technology becomes more advanced and the world becomes more reliant on these systems to stay connected, integrating tech features into your...
Your Nonprofit Board’s Financial and Accounting Responsibilities Delaney Mullennix, the Nonprofit Hub Radio Podcast host, interviews Melisa Gallasso, founder & CEO of Galasso Learning Solutions LLC, about nonprofit board’s financial and accounting...
Are you currently working on creating a budget for your nonprofit organization?​ Effective budgeting for non profit organizations is essential to achieving goals. Creating budgets for your nonprofit programs in addition to an overall budget for your organization can...
Moving from Nonprofit Competition to Collaboration In this episode, we speak with Peter Greer about the power of collaboration in the nonprofit space. Peter shares insight from his book Rooting for Rivals: how nonprofits can multiply their impact by collaborating...