A Mission Statement Isn’t Marketing – Wes Gay Can your leadership, board, and key audiences rattle off your organization’s mission statement? Maybe, but not likely. Can they each tell you what your organization is about? Probably, but based on their...
It’s Time to Take Your Publicity Strategy to the Next Level and Market to Key Age Demographics You want to drive more traffic to your website, and you have already put the regular best practices to work. You send out newsletters and post regularly on social media. And...
Why Your Nonprofit Should Do Public Opinion Research In this episode of Nonprofit Hub Radio, host Delaney Mullennix interviews Adam Probolsky, founder of Probolsky Research, about using public opinion research to benefit nonprofits. Adam explains this involves...
Nonprofit Ratings and Increasing Your Impact Nonprofit ratings exist whether you like it or not. Some nonprofit professionals consider outside sources and external parties’ opinions of their nonprofit obsolete. But guess what? Your donors don’t. Ratings...
Stop Listening to Nonprofit Marketing Trends: Listen to Your Audience You don’t have time to waste on marketing that doesn’t work. Lindsay LaShell, Marketing Activist and Creator of Open Lines, gives Delaney the lowdown on nonprofit marketing that worked...