A POV About the Most Common Challenges We Encounter While Volunteering and How to Deal With Them We all know we could do more to help out. Whether it’s to support the environment, serve the underprivileged, or advocate for greater equality. We may decide to donate,...
Attracting Men to the Fundraising Profession In this episode, Patrick Kirby shares his interest and favorite aspects of the fundraising profession. Kirby is a fundraising professional who discusses the gender imbalance within the fundraising profession. While women...
A financial story is not (typically) as exciting, stirring, or inspirational as one directly related to your programming. But, knowing your nonprofit’s financial story and conveying it effectively to your supporters is critical to sustainability. In this...
Revamping Volunteerism…One painted wall at a time! “Wait… didn’t we paint this wall last year?” said a few too many volunteers each year. Corporate volunteerism is more vital than ever; however, many companies employ old techniques to engage...
Steven Shattuck is VP of Marketing at Bloomerang. As a HubSpot Certified inbound marketer, he is a contributor to Nonprofit Hub, National Council of Nonprofits, Ragan, Social Media Today, Search Engine Journal, The Build Network, HubSpot, Content Marketing Institute...