[PODCAST] Inclusive is as Inclusive Does

Inclusive is as Inclusive Does

‘Inclusive is as Inclusive Does” is about prioritizing equity and inclusion. Equity and Inclusion can have a significant positive impact on the nonprofit workplace. Things like decision-making or problem-solving improve when the workplace is welcoming.

In this episode, we speak with Kia Croom about the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Kia discusses why nonprofits struggle with diversity in terms of their board of directors and internally through donor acquisition. She speaks about how nonprofits may talk the talk of diversity and inclusivity but have yet to walk the walk. Moreover, she discusses how white-dominant culture and white supremacy can manifest in nonprofit organizations. Actionable steps that nonprofits can take to create a workplace where employees of color feel they belong and can thrive are provided throughout this impactful episode. Kia even highlights the Othering and Belonging Institute as a resource hub, sharing information about their work in the nonprofit sector.

Kia Croom is an experienced fund development executive with over 20 years of experience. To date she’s raised nearly half a billion dollars for nonprofits of all sizes nationwide in a variety of cause areas including STEM, housing and homelessness, youth development, education, HIV/AIDS and more. She’s worked in a host development functions including but not limited to major gifts, grant writing, creative messaging and content writing, and digital marketing and her favorite—brokering high-impact corporate strategic partnerships.

Kia is incredibly passionate about racial and philanthropic justice in philanthropy, and interested in working with agencies committed to addressing anti-black racism specifically by uplifting, strengthening and supporting Black-led nonprofit organizations.

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Shout out to our friends at NEON ONE for making today’s episode possible!


Delaney Mullennix, MPA

Delaney joined the Nonprofit Hub team in 2021, leading strategic partnerships, and now serves as the Executive Director. She helps to manage and sustain the organization's growing national presence, modern partnership profile, and highly trafficked educational media platform. Delaney plays a major role in curating and creating educational content with a network of innovative nonprofit service, product providers, and professionals that empower organizations to go from good to growth. Delaney got her master's degree in nonprofit management and administration from Grand Valley State University, where she served on the executive board of the Nonprofit Professionals Graduate Student Organization. She's an alumna of Michigan DECA and serves as a competitive event judge to help evaluate high school students' marketing and management skills. You can find her jet-setting to a new place in her free time, volunteering for a good cause, and exploring the great outdoors.

March 10, 2023

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