Twitter Rolls Out New ‘Moments’ Feature

Twitter Moments is the newest feature to hit the social media site. Just yesterday, Twitter rolled out the update, encouraging everyone to know exactly what’s happening in the world right now. Oftentimes in our nonprofit social media accounts, we get lost in the accounts of people we follow—fellow nonprofit organizations, professionals, foundations, etc. That causes us to miss out on the current news happenings in the world outside of the nonprofit sector.

Moments is Twitter’s way of recognizing the use of their site as one of the largest news platforms. It competes not only with other social media sites (especially for breaking news), but also with large news corporations.

Moving forward, you can expect to see things in the Moments tab similar to the ALS Ice Bucket challenge, current sporting event happenings, breaking national news and more. Moments is the ultimate way to cut through the noise and see what is going on within Twitter “in an instant.”

Keeping up on the current happenings on Moments will keep your Twitter account on top of current topics in the world and help your organization discover all the stories that are still unfolding. However, it’s not something that your organization necessarily needs to worry about tracking every waking moment. Just know that it’s there and helpful.

Twitter Moments doesn’t take into account who you follow, but simply reports the most current things going on in the world. Unfortunately, getting information to the Moments tab may be as difficult as getting a hashtag trending or publishing a viral video.

In an nutshell, Moments makes favorites, retweets and following new users incredibly easy. The feature takes a popular topic and delivers it in an aesthetically pleasing manner and keeps you up-to-date on everything you need to know next time you’re at the water cooler.

Learn more about Twitter Moments from the pros:

Moments, the Best of Twitter in an Instant [via Twitter]


Nick Small

With specialties in content strategy and creation, social media engagement and digital marketing optimization, Nick brings a depth of experience in nonprofit marketing. He’s also helped hundreds of nonprofits with their online presence to improve donor retention and attract new audiences, and he still has time for a good glass of whiskey, round of golf or new adventure.

October 7, 2015

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