Creating Accountability on Your Nonprofit Board

Creating Accountability on Your Nonprofit Board

with Cindi Phallen

March 24th | 10:00 – 11:00AM CT

We need our board members to be fully engaged in our work and yet a common complaint is that board members aren’t all in. They may be absent, or silent, or off on a tangent or focused on the wrong things, and more. But what does engagement really mean? And can it be measured? Nonprofits have an interesting shared leadership model and it may feel awkward to hold board members accountable. But guess what – they want you to! They want to do a great job and support your cause. And it may be easier to do than you think. So let’s explore ways to set expectations that result in amazing participation with cause for celebration!

Key takeaways:

  • Establish a vision for what a fully engaged board looks like
  • Identify ways to measure success
  • Outline communication strategies for accountability
  • Commit to a simple action plan to increase board engagement
Cindi Phallen Headshot
Cindi Phallen Headshot

About the Presenter

Cindi Phallen is the founder and CEO of Create Possibility, a consulting firm serving nonprofits nationally in areas of Governance/Board Development and Strategic Planning. She is a fierce advocate for nonprofit leaders so they build strong boards and attract more money, people and awareness. With over 18 years of experience as a nonprofit Executive Director with YMCAs around the country, Cindi has managed boards from 8 up to 45. In addition, she is the author of the book The Impact Triangle, 3 Essentials to Accelerate Your Nonprofit Impact, and also writes a bi-weekly blog focused on key issues nonprofit leaders face. Cindi is also an instructor in the University of San Diego’s Nonprofit Management Certificate program. Cindi asks the tough questions and is a champion for changing the way nonprofit leaders think in order to move from intention to execution. She is a proud mom, avid snowboarder, beach jogger, and Philadelphia sports fan.  


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