3-Tiered Approach to Nonprofit Board Engagement
The Extensible Board: Layers of Support for Nonprofit Missions
with Steve Boland
July 20 | 12:00-1:00 PM CT
Every nonprofit staffer/fundraiser has a dream of a seeing their nonprofit board engagement grow and thrive. Imagine if every board member collected silent auction items! Or, they met with major donors! And, perhaps if you’re lucky, they would do thank you calls!
However, our reality is a little different. You probably wish you could see an increase in nonprofit board engagement. The Board may be overcommitted. They also might be stretched too thin across other needs. In addition, they may not have the right skill-set for development. We need volunteer engagement to make the best development plan succeed. But, we can get stymied by just that one group at the top.
We don’t have to settle for all or nothing board engagement in development support. We can create tiers of engagement that recognize where the Board of Directors can best contribute. And, we can change how we extend that volunteer function to include the board but not rely solely on that group.
Join this session to:
- Ensure your governance documents support a flexible level of engagement
- Create standing bodies (board committees, advisory committees) that integrate to the board but utilize volunteers beyond the board
- Utilize ad-hoc groups for specific projects that have the blessing of the board (Conference Sponsorship Committee, for example) but do not require any specific board action.
This tiered approach (Board, board-extended, board-adjacent) can clear roadblocks, improve volunteer recruitment and performance, and extend your capacity!
About the Presenter
Steve Boland is a nonprofit veteran with over 25 years of experience helping charities grow with new ideas in fundraising and communications. Steve has presented over 100 learning sessions on topics such as crowdfunding, fundraising infrastructure, and social media strategy for nonprofits. A graduate of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Steve holds a Master of Nonprofit Management from Hamline University, and is an alumnus of the Shannon Leadership Institute. Steve is the Managing Partner of Next in Nonprofits, a consulting and services firm focused on building engagement for charities.
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