“Check us out at www.blahblahblah.org.”
Whoa. That’s compelling. “Check us out.”
Here’s your takeaway for today: There’s nothing that interesting about a “check us out” or “find us online” statement that is going to compel people to visit your website if you simply stop there and then just list your web address. In order to drive traffic to your site, you have to tell your audience more than just how to get there—you need to explain why they should.
In the first instance, it’s all about you. In the second, it’s all about them.
Herein lies the golden rule of web promotion: Tell people what’s in it for them. That’s the bottom line. Just think about it for a second. It sounds so simple, but few of us actually do it.
Many businesses and organizations alike think that they’ll drive traffic to their website simply by listing their URL in a footer of an email newsletter, or on a direct mail piece or maybe in a banner ad. But you need to go a step further.
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