Cause Network Member Meet Up: Major Gift Solicitation & Letter Development 

March 16h, 11:00 AM CT

Sign up using the form below! 


Are you prepared to ask for that major donation? Can you prepare an effective letter for a major gift solicitation?

We all can learn from each other and inspire new ideas in our nonprofit communities. That’s why we want you to join us for our Cause Network member meet up. If you are not a member, you can attend one of our meeting for free and see if the Network is the right fit for you!

This month, our member meet up will feature a guest presentation on major gift solicitation and letter development from our friends at Lasso Digital!

Join us on March 16 at 11 AM CT to: 

  • learn about major gift solicitation
  • how to develop an effective ask letter
  • meet and network with nonprofit pros across the nation
  • highlight and discuss your organization’s mission
  • discuss the successes and struggles your nonprofit may be facing
  • talk about trends in the nonprofit sector
  • learn from the wisdom of the nonprofit community

Use the form to sign up below!