Have you ever lost a case file? Been unable to quickly create a report for grant funders? Needed to better understand a client’s journey through the system? Or just wanted a better way to store all the documents and notes related to a case? You should check out Casebook.
Our ongoing affiliation with the Annie E.Casey Foundation, which remains involved with our board, provides Casebook PBC direct access to the latest research. As a public benefit corporation, we are led by a set of core beliefs that are meant to help us improve lives through software solutions. Originally, created by the Annie E.Casey Foundation, Casebook is a proven SaaS human services platform.
Our platform is built to work just like you do. Letting you switch gears to field a question about another case or write notes about an unplanned call while jumping back into the previous task without losing your place.
Undoubtedly, technology solutions at our company are the response to frustration among human services professionals as well as those who have struggled with antiquated information systems. As a result, Casebook PBC developed a configurable, intuitive, and easy-to-use software in close partnership with human services practitioners. Furthermore, our solutions evolve with policy and practice in child welfare and human services to provide the best-in-class experience.
At Casebook we believe in the power of partnerships to change the world. Whether it is as a member of our team or as an outside partner. If you share our values, we want to get to know you.