Good Referrals

Resource Directory



Palo Alto CA



Non-profits inspire us every day. With Issuu, you can create interactive newsletters & reports with high presentation value that highlight critical initiatives to both supporters and the public.

Issuu gives anyone with digitally bound content the ability to upload and distribute their publications worldwide. In just minutes. And as often as they’d like. Creators everywhere choose to publish on our platform because they get what they need to grow, including collaboration tools, advanced analytics, and the ability to charge for publications.

From fundraising to annual reports and grant applications, nonprofit organizations of all kinds use our platform every day to publish and share their initiatives. We highlight the important work you’re doing through an inspired reader experience. Issuu also integrates with your favorite tools such as Adobe InDesign, Dropbox, Google Drive, and Mailchimp for a seamless workflow.

We enable nonprofits of any size to provide their audience with a professional, streamlined, and engaging reader experience. Creating virtual assets provides nonprofits with new ways to connect with donors in an entirely digital landscape.

For information on how to receive discounts for your nonprofit please reach out to Issuu Customer Success at [email protected]


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