How to Make Nonprofit Storytelling a Powerful Marketing Tool

One of the best ways to convey your mission on your website is through powerful stories about the people you impact. Donors are generally more motivated to give for emotional reasons than logical ones, and telling stories that tug on heartstrings is an effective way to inspire them to tug on their pocketbooks.

In short, one of your most powerful marketing tools is a great story.

Here are four quick tips on nonprofit storytelling to help you not only engage and inspire, but also support the main message of your organization.

1. Find a story worth telling.

Not everything that happens in your organization is share-worthy. One key to great nonprofit storytelling lies in knowing what you should write about. A compelling event. People you’ve helped. A volunteer who went above and beyond. Tell stories that evoke emotion, celebrate changed lives, illustrate your mission or inspire people to support you.

For the rest of the storytelling tips, check out >>


Jay Wilkinson


February 5, 2015

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