Top Trends in Nonprofit Marketing, Social Media and More—An Interview with Kivi Leroux Miller

Communication is at the basis of every solid relationship. And in the nonprofit world, relationships are what keep donors coming back for more.

So what’s holding back nonprofits from taking the necessary marketing steps to secure more fundraising dollars and donors? Lack of time, budget and strategy all rank among the top hurdles nonprofits face.

And we caught up with Kivi Leroux Miller to further discuss those hurdles, along with other nonprofit marketing trends. Miller was a keynote speaker at the Lincoln American Marketing Association’s Cause Camp—a full-day marketing boot camp for nonprofits.

She’s got a fresh take on what’s next for nonprofits and marketing, the role of social media in the future, the top three things to focus on in 2014 for nonprofit marketing and more. Check out the pointers she has for your organization to take on nonprofit marketing in 2014.


Randy Hawthorne

As the former Executive Director and Editor for Nonprofit Hub and a Professional Certified Marketer, Randy shares his passions of marketing and education with nonprofits to help them implement marketing and organizational leadership principles so they can grow their organizations. Randy lends his marketing and organizational leadership expertise to a number of nonprofits in his community. Outside the office, Randy works with high school and college students and mentors young professionals to develop their leadership and entrepreneurial skills.

April 14, 2014

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