Mobile Fundraising: A Complete Overview — Pt. 3 of 3

Previously in this series, we’ve given you all the background you need to decide if you’d like to pursue mobile fundraising

If you’ve determined that it is the right fit for you, this 3rd and final installment in the series is going to give you the tactical advice you need to get your first mobile giving efforts off the ground.


Specifically, you’ll get answers to the following questions:

  • How can your organization get started with mobile fundraising?
  • How can you promote mobile fundraising to your donors?


Read on for the answers!


How can your organization get started with mobile fundraising?

Mobile fundraising is a lot like riding a bike.

Getting started is the hardest part. And it may take some help and guidance to push yourself off the pavement, but from there, you’re bound to take right off.

Below are the six basic steps for getting started with mobile fundraising.

#1. Plan for integration

The first step you must take when you’re looking to start your own mobile fundraising campaign is to figure out how you’ll integrate mobile into your existing fundraising strategy.

Of course, what this looks like will depend on what your current strategies look like. Perhaps you already have some online fundraising. Perhaps not. Wherever you are now, take the time to figure out how to fit mobile giving in.

#2. Update your sites

From there, you’ll need to update your website and online donation pages to be mobile-friendly and mobile-responsive.

If your donors can’t easily load and operate your donation pages on their phones, they won’t stick it out long enough to donate. Make amending your website a top priority.

#3. Set goals

Next, you’ll want to start goal-setting. Make sure that the goals you set for your organization are realistic and attainable.

Mobile fundraising is just like any other avenue for raising money; it’s not miraculous. It takes time and effort, and it only works as hard as you do.

If you want to learn how to raise double the donations with the same amount of effort, look into matching gifts.

#4. Choose a provider

With your goals in mind, you can seek out a mobile fundraising service provider to decide the best plan for your goals.

You might not need every single capability. Conversely, you may want to try out the whole range of mobile giving.

However you feel, there are bound to be platform providers that will fit your needs.

#5. Launch your campaign

Finally, you’re ready to launch your mobile fundraising campaign! You can roll your platform out in stages, or you can present it all at once.

Regardless, make sure that people know that mobile is now an option for giving.

#6. Track and improve

During your campaign, you should be keeping track of key performance indicators (KPIs). Use this information to inform your decisions and adjust your strategy accordingly.

For more on each of these steps, check out how to get started with your very own mobile giving campaign.


How can you promote mobile fundraising to your donors?

The most important ingredient in the recipe for a successful mobile fundraising campaign is smart marketing.

How can your nonprofit effectively promote your mobile fundraising efforts?

Social media is an incredible tool for promotional purposes. As we mentioned before, fundraising through social media is a fantastic way to raise money and awareness while expanding your nonprofit’s network.

Of course, in addition to social media, you can also employ the traditional means of promoting a fundraiser by:

  • Making phone calls to current and former donors.
  • Sending informational emails to your donor list.
  • Taking out an ad in a local newspaper or magazine.
  • Advertising on a local television or radio station.
  • Creating promotional materials, like T-shirts or mugs with your mobile fundraising information on the back.
  • Passing out informational flyers.
  • Creating a bus stop ad.
  • Sending out direct mail or newsletters with information.
  • Announcing your mobile fundraising plans at a live event.


There are advantages and disadvantages to each of these tactics, so we’d suggest choosing a combination that works best for your organization.

For instance, you could mix up your marketing with some product fundraising and bolster it with some email marketing.

The key to promoting any mobile fundraising campaign is persistence. At least until your mobile giving campaign gets off the ground, you will have to keep reminding your donors about your mobile efforts.

After a while, though, mobile giving will become a standard way for your donors to contribute to your organization.

There you have it — The concluding article in a not-so-quick overview of mobile giving.

Let us know in the comments section what you think of mobile fundraising. Is it something your nonprofit has tried? Is it something that you’re interested in pursuing?

Thank you so much for reading! And for those who comment, thank you for your honest input.

Happy fundraising!

Mobile Fundraising

Eric Griego

October 21, 2016

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