9 Ways to Repurpose Content for Your Nonprofit Website

Ah, the sweet smell of new content on your website. It’s so fresh that reading it feels like a deep breath of damp, salty sea air. But, of course, creating that content was no day at the beach. And some of your insatiable nonprofit supporters are so desperate for fresh content that they consume it quickly, only to want more as soon as you can muster the strength to create it. But who can keep up with that?

Your nonprofit can savor the sweetness of original website content much longer if you learn to repurpose what you’ve already made. Now, now. We know exactly what you’re thinking. We don’t mean “repurpose old content” in a scrape-the-mold-off-your-bread sort of way.

Every writer repurposes original work to meet their content quota. And most nonprofit marketing plans have a strategy to do the same. Read on for our nine ways to getting the most out of your nonprofit content.

Social Standbys: Include your frequently updated Twitter feed on your nonprofit website. Fodder for your feed might include links to your nonprofit’s blog posts, newsletters, and relevant articles from outside sources.

Popularity Contest: Create a blog post about your nonprofit’s most popular articles. Of course, you’ll have to create compelling original posts regularly to get this one.

Take Offline for a Stroll: You put a lot of effort into creating offline content for your nonprofit—so get the most out of it. Post a video of your speech from your nonprofit’s fundraising event. Online versions of your direct mail pieces should be shared on your website, as should press releases and brochures.

Clever Correspondence: Contacting your constituents? This is your opportunity to build up your nonprofit’s content library. Add noteworthy email exchanges or letters. Quote phone conversations. This is content too! Just get permission first.

Format: Change up your presentation to make old content feel new again. Repurpose donor data into an infographic. Shorten a blog post into a list. If you’re talking to the media about a relevant current event, talk to your online followers about it too.

Piggyback: Focus on people to squeeze the most out of your website content. Interview an author whose book relates to your nonprofit’s mission. After posting your interview, review the book in a blog post. For extra content recycling points, write insightful takeaways from the interview (or the book itself) in a separate post.

Permission Granted: Let’s say your most recent grant proposal asked you to define your organization, or write an essay summarizing your latest success. Perfect. Edit it as necessary then share it with your online followers. Award or not, your nonprofit’s grant application will be a winner for your website content library.

The Board is Never Boring: Keep followers updated by sharing meeting minutes or a board member’s reflections after each director meeting.

Picture Perfect: The photographs taken at your fundraising events may be intended for your nonprofit Pinterest account, but you should also share them on your website.

You may have noticed that the trick to building an enviable nonprofit content library—and repurposing the good stuff—boils down to broadening your definition of content. Pictures taken, emails written, even words spoken are content. Stay attentive to what’s said or written in and around your nonprofit to build up a website content library that pays for itself.

How do you come up with creative, reusable content for your nonprofit website?


Jill Havlat

March 2, 2012

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