How to Create a Team Blog that Speaks to Your Audience

Creating a nonprofit blog with willing contributors who are passionate about your cause is a great way to engage with your audience, plus it’s a great SEO boost for your website. Search engines love original content.

Now before you stop reading this and write off blogging as too big of an undertaking, let me say this: Every nonprofit organization should understand how simple it is to create an effective blogging strategy. It doesn’t have to be difficult, draining or a time suck. I’ll explain how easy it is in a minute.

But let’s address this question right off the bat: Who should blog?

I’ll be straight with you: If you hate to write, then the answer to that question is “not you.”

Think for a moment back to when you were in school. What did you prefer—writing or arithmetic? Did you cringe when you had to compose an essay or did you welcome it? Do you love to write? If you don’t have a natural interest in writing, then blogging is not for you and that’s okay. But this doesn’t mean that your organization shouldn’t have a blog.

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Jay Wilkinson

December 30, 2014

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