How to Create Video Content for Nonprofit Donations

In our Hubinar with Jeremy Vest, we learned that video is powerful. We also learned that the problem with video is that it’s difficult. Coming up with content, conveying a message effectively, and editing and promoting a video are all challenges for creating sensational video content, especially for nonprofits.

When it comes to video content generation, there are three main types of video content your organization should be focusing on:

1. Emotional Storytelling

You’ve heard it a thousand times, “Tell stories to receive more donations.” And it’s true, one of the most effective ways to captivate an audience is to tell a story worth hearing about your organization. As Vest put it, “If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is a video worth?”

A key tip is to show people’s’ eyes as much as possible. Captivate interviews with awesome lighting, showing their “window to the soul.”

“If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is a video worth?”

2. Educational Information

Talking head videos aren’t always the most effective, but educational videos can be extremely impactful on social channels. Think about the Tasty videos, teaching followers how to make new dishes and desserts. If your nonprofit is involved in education or advocacy, you could have an awesome opportunity to educate with how-to videos that relate to your organization.


3. Testimonials

Having others tell their stories in a testimonial form about how your work affected their lives can really make a splash on social media. Don’t be afraid to take multiple shots from different angles, and make sure the audio is high enough quality that you can hear the subject’s message.



Pro tip

Add subtitles to catch viewers’ eyes when you share YouTube videos on Facebook. Since the auto-scroll feature doesn’t allow sound until they click your video, subtitles will get the message across without them clicking into the video first.


No matter which option or combination of options you choose, they should all loop back to the first category; telling a story. Whether you’re telling a specific story, perfecting a skill or relaying a testimonial, your videos should come together to tell your nonprofit’s story with passion and conviction.


Questions? Something you’d like to add? Find Jeremy and me on Twitter to join the conversation, or leave a comment below.


video content

Nick Small

With specialties in content strategy and creation, social media engagement and digital marketing optimization, Nick brings a depth of experience in nonprofit marketing. He’s also helped hundreds of nonprofits with their online presence to improve donor retention and attract new audiences, and he still has time for a good glass of whiskey, round of golf or new adventure.

June 28, 2016

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