How to Improve SEO with 6 Organic Search Tips

A large part of search engine optimization, or SEO, is adjusting the content of your website to rank well in the organic search results. These six tips will help improve your SEO and get you closer to the top without having to pay.

1. Define a keyword list.

Think about the specific terms that people would use to search for your organization and make a list of these keywords. You can check the traffic for each term with a tool like Google’s Keyword Planner. However, keep this in mind: Terms that are too general may have high search traffic, but don’t necessarily improve your ranking in search results. It’s better to focus on very targeted keywords that are specifically relevant to your organization.

2. Optimize your page titles.

The title tag defines a web page’s title and is meant to be a concise description of that page’s content. This is the first line of hyperlinked text that search engines display in their organic search results, and it’s what appears in the top frame of most web browsers for that page. When you write your page titles, it’s good practice to keep them less than 70 characters since any text beyond that will likely be cut off. Include important keywords, preferably in the beginning, as well as the name of your organization.

Check out the rest of the six tips to improve your SEO at >>


Jay Wilkinson

February 13, 2015

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