If you’re a newbie, the AFP International Fundraising Conference (AFPIcon) can be overwhelming. When that many nonprofit fundraising professionals are in one place, you want to make sure you’re getting the most out of your surroundings.
All of the speakers are top-notch, but picking presentations can be difficult. That’s why we picked our top five that you won’t want to miss at AFPIcon 2015.
1. ALL General Sessions
Okay, you caught me. That’s technically three presentations. But there isn’t a single general session speaker I would want to miss, which is why they earn the number one spot.
Seth Godin
Monday, March 30, 2015
At Nonprofit Hub, we’ve been known to get excited about Seth Godin’s marketing advice (that’s an understatement). His concise marketing advice makes it easy for nonprofit professionals to glean information quickly.
Whoopi Goldberg
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Whoopi Goldberg has been an activist in the nonprofit sector, bringing light to causes ranging from AIDS to healthcare and substance abuse. Having a celebrity bring light to these topics can be instrumental in getting the word out.
Isabel Allende
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Finally, Isabel Allende is a novelist and memoirist of the highest caliber. As a writer, this presentation excites me most. She founded The Isabel Allende Foundation, which works with nonprofits in the San Francisco Bay Area and Chile to empower and protect women and girls.
2. Tom Ahern—Developing a Marketing and Communications Plan
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Last year, Tom Ahern made our list for his Loverizing Donors presentation (I’d still recommend that one). This year I’m switching it up with my pick. While Tom is still offering his Loverizing Donors presentation, he’s also offering this one. Many readers have expressed their interest in needing help with a marketing and communications plan—especially for smaller nonprofit operations. This is your chance to learn from on of the best in the nonprofit industry.
3. Sarah Durham—The Rebrand Effect: Accelerating Your Fundraising Through Communications
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Not only have I had the pleasure of hearing Sarah talk on rebranding, but she’s also presenting at Cause Camp this year. Every time I’ve heard her speak I’ve gained some new piece of knowledge. As Sarah has pointed out, branding is more than just logo or tagline—it’s about perception. If you’re ready to change the perception of your nonprofit, allow Sarah to help with some of the unknowns.
4. Tom Latchford—Becoming the Best on the Web in 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
Our staff caught up with Tom Latchford at last year’s conference. His presentation had people thinking outside the box with different ways to use social media and fundraising together. The creativity in that room was infectious, so that’s why he made our list this year. If your organization is looking to become the best of the web, Tom Latchford is sure to help you get there.
5. Derrick Feldmann—How to Create Inspiring and Successful Millennial Peer Fundraising Programs
Monday, March 30, 2015
This past year has been proof that nonprofits want to know how Millennials play into their futures. And Derrick Feldmann is the leading nonprofit expert on Millennials. In his presentation, you’ll learn campaign approaches, themes, concepts and communication programs that inspire Millennials to engage with peers to potentially support your organization. They are the up and coming generation ready to give—is your organization ready to secure those donors?
Those are just our top picks, but there are countless more that we’re excited about. What are you looking forward to most about the AFP International Fundraising Conference?