Essential Nonprofit Twitter Tips #4: Never Settle! [VIDEO]

This isn’t your Grandma’s nonprofit twitter account. You know a thing or two about how Twitter works. You’ve got a classy cover photo, added all your friends (but didn’t follow too many random people at once) and are maintaining a respectable follower count.

You might think it’s time to rest on your laurels. But you’d be wrong. You’re only at step one–and step one has to happen over and over again.

Watch Nonprofit Twitter Tips #4: Don’t Settle!


It’s safe living in a familiar bubble. But you’ll never know what’s out there until you step out of your comfort zone.

Which brings us to the fourth Twitter commandment: Thou shalt not settle.

So, what exactly does “settling” look like on Twitter?

You set up a page, follow people you know, and then occasionally tweet content. Those are all great starting points. But you have to go further for better results.

What you should be doing is using all that Twitter has to offer, like the advanced search tool. Not only does the advanced search tool allow you to get more in depth with searching through keywords and phrases, but it also allows you to target key locations. Locations where your mission might be thriving, but your nonprofit’s presence is currently nonexistent.

Just think. If Lewis and Clark had stopped at the Mississippi, they wouldn’t be household names. So don’t stop at finding the people who are familiar to your organization. Go beyond.

Also, don’t settle by tweeting once in a blue moon. Twitter was designed to be interactive. On Facebook you might share once a day, but on Twitter you can share and interact often. Don’t post a tweet every five minutes, but do actively post and participate in conversations.

Finally, don’t forget about site maintenance. Occasionally remember to change your profile and cover photo. Do more than just your nonprofit’s logo. For example, the American Cancer Society got creative for their 100th birthday, using balloons but sticking with the color theme. Make-A-Wish used a photo of one of their patients. How could you not connect with that face? Get creative.

It’s time to explore the Twitterverse. Apply your new knowledge, and the results will make you glad you didn’t settle.

Thanks for watching.

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Lyndsey Hrabik

Lyndsey is a former editor for Nonprofit Hub and Nonprofit Hub Magazine. She now serves as a guest contributor, writing on topics such as social media, technology, marketing and starting a nonprofit.

May 13, 2013

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