One of Your Most Powerful Marketing Tools is a Great Story

You have a wonderful opportunity to convey your mission on your website through powerful stories about the people you impact.

Donors are generally more inspired to give for emotional reasons than logical ones, and telling stories that stir the heart gives your website the human factor and soul that supporters are attracted to.

Here are four easy guidelines for writing a story that not only engages and inspires, but also supports the message you want the world to hear.

1. Find something worth writing about.

Not everything that happens in your organization is a story worth sharing on your website. You should save the prime real estate on your site for the most inspirational stores. What should you look for? A compelling event that accomplished something big or served the community. A heartwarming tale about someone you’ve helped. A volunteer who went above and beyond.

Find stories that evoke emotion, celebrate changed lives, illustrate your mission or inspire people to support your cause.

2. Keep the main point the main point.

It’s easy to get off track when we tell stories, especially if there are several people involved or lots of details to cover. Just keep asking yourself, what’s the one message I want to convey? Whether you’re writing a blog post, creating a video or updating a donation page with a quick snippet, always stay focused. You’ll be much more effective if you keep it simple.

For the other two guidelines for writing your story, check out the full article on >>


Jay Wilkinson

July 24, 2015

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