Start a Nonprofit that Actually Survives
In this episode of Nonprofit Hub Radio, host Delaney Mullennix interviews Rebecca Rodriguez, Principal Consultant and Author of For the Philanthropist and The Nonprofit Workbook. A disproportionate number of nonprofit start-ups don’t survive and Rebecca’s mission is to make sure they do.
So, you want to start a nonprofit?
Delaney and Rebecca discuss the questions that should be asked before you embark on the adventure. Does your mission serve the common good, do you have a business plan, are there other nonprofits doing the same thing, understanding these questions in advance will help you avoid the common issues that keep nonprofits from getting out of start-up phase. Sustainability is about a lot more than just raising money.
You can find Rebecca’s workbook, Tips & Best Practices For Start-Ups Serving the Greater Common Good on her website and on Amazon.

With a fundraising background, Rebecca became interested in how to get an organization to a place of sustainability beyond raising more money. Whether it is at the programmatic or organizational level, she will come alongside to support and strengthen the business model, governance, systems & processes, and programs.