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Three Crucial Elements of Donor Database Tools

I get asked the question often, “What should we look for in donor database tools?” I believe there are three crucial elements that you need. All good donor database tools worth your time and money will include:

1. A dashboard.

This allows you to see how things are going at a glance. You’ve probably heard the old axiom, “We manage what we measure.” A dashboard allows everyone in your organization, including staff and board members, to see exactly what you’re measuring, so they in turn can manage it. Of course, not everyone can log in and see important donor data—that’s not what I’m referring to. But they can see things like how your organization is progressing toward a particular goal, and this can make a big difference in getting everyone on board and rallying around your objective.

For the other two elements, check out the full article on>>


Jay Wilkinson

June 27, 2015

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