Top 10 Nonprofit Hashtags to Spark Social Good [2012]

This article was written in 2012, for an updated version written in 2015, click here.

Begin by listening if your nonprofit wants to start a conversation with the public. The best conversationalists don’t dominate discussions—they contribute to them. The same is true for nonprofit organizations. Nonprofits that capture the public’s attention engage in conversations started by others, particularly through participation in Twitter’s top nonprofit hashtags.

Last week, how to use hashtags effectively was a trending topic. Now we’re hunkering down to help your organization keep track of the top ten nonprofit hashtags. Incorporate the following in your nonprofit’s social media strategy to reach out to other philanthropists and expand your reach.


Nonprofit organizations aren’t the only ones on Twitter to use this popular hashtag. Many individuals add #activism to tweets with comments on current events. Include it in yours when appropriate.


Calls to action, sharing beneficiaries’ stories and general announcements from your nonprofit’s marketing team would be well-matched with this versatile hashtag.


Sustain interest from longtime followers by changing it up. Share good news every Tuesday when supporters who follow this hashtag are paying extra attention.


Corporate partnerships are an efficient way to increase fundraising returns and market your nonprofit to a wider audience. You might add #csr—which refers to corporate social responsibility—to tweets about your organization’s for-profit friends.


Add this hashtag to your nonprofit’s tweets about upcoming fundraising events. We also like the idea of thanking donors who have a Twitter account with this hashtag. #Donate comes in a close second for similar tweets.


This increasingly trendy hashtag joins all tweets related to advancement or news in nonprofit technology. Many nonprofit conferences add #nptech to tweets about their event, along with their own hashtag. Articles on nonprofit web design are frequently tagged with this gem, too.


Grantwriting isn’t just a headache for your nonprofit. Every organization finds winning grants a challenge. That’s why grantwriting is such a hot topic for nonprofits on social media. Nonprofits and supporters talk out their troubles with this hashtag, or #grantwriting.


Especially because we’re interested in social media marketing for nonprofits, we’ve always got an eye on his hashtag: an acronym meaning “social media for social good.” Look to #sm4np (social media for nonprofits) for another hashtag that promotes social good through social media.


Mashable created this hashtag along with the Summer of Social Good. It’s a general hashtag appropriate in tweets related to the intersection of philanthropy and social media.


Managing volunteers and calling up new ones is hard enough without highlighting contributions from your nonprofit’s helpers. Spotlight the good work of your nonprofit volunteers with this hashtag (or #volunteers). You can also use it to publicize opportunities for supporters to get more active in your organization.

Your nonprofit’s social media strategy will be bolstered by a relevant Twitter feed that’s engaging and, above all, conversational.

What are your thoughts on using hashtags to drum up interest in your nonprofit’s social media discussions? Let us know in the comments!


Jill Havlat

May 9, 2012

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