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Top 5 Wildest Nonprofit Fundraisers [INFOGRAPHIC]

Joe Magee is a guest contributor for Nonprofit Hub and the Vice President of RallyBound, which provides social fundraising software to nonprofits. He has helped organizations such as TED, Kaiser Permanente and AOL implement digital initiatives aimed at solving problems and making an impact.

Long before the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge took the summer by storm, organizations have enjoyed a history of hosting wacky nonprofit fundraisers. These goofy events or campaigns challenge supporters to a number of feats from plunging into freezing water to scaling tall buildings. Many of these campaigns are extremely successful, sometimes raising tens of millions of dollars in just a matter of months. After careful diligence and scientific research, we present to you the Top 5 Wildest Nonprofit Fundraisers. The list runs the gamut of causes and antics.

Here are some highlights:

St. Baldrick’s head shaving for childhood cancer tops the list at $34 million raised in 2013.

Cupid’s Undie Run which challenges people to strip down to their skivvies and run through the streets in February rounds out the list raising $1.3 million.

No doubt the ice bucket challenge has captured the collective hearts and heads of millions over the last few weeks. But if you like raising money for a good cause while performing a silly stunt, have no fear—you’ll love these five wild nonprofit fundraisers:

Top 5 Wildest Nonprofit FundraisersThis infographic first appeared on RallyBound



Top 5 Wildest Nonprofit Fundraisers [INFOGRAPHIC]

Joe Magee

Joe Magee is the Vice President of RallyBound, which provides social fundraising software to nonprofits. He has helped organizations such as TED, Kaiser Permanente and AOL implement digital initiatives aimed at solving problems and making an impact.

August 27, 2014

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