Using Thought Leading Experts to Help You Run a Nonprofit

Sometimes when you work for a nonprofit, you are expected to be an expert on a whole variety of subjects. Your title might indicate that you are an executive director, volunteer coordinator or social media wizard, but in reality you wear a lot of different hats. You fundraise, market, fine tune logistics and work to drum up support for your nonprofit.

Help is here. In a recent article, Bloomerang’s Jay Love shares four donor retention experts he’s encountered that have helped him in his nonprofit career path. They include Dr. Adrian Sargeant, Tom Ahern, Simone Joyaux and Roger Crover. No doubt you’ve heard of their names and probably read their articles. They represent some of the best minds in the nonprofit world.

While those four (plus Jay) are doing great things in the nonprofit world, there are many experts out there that also deserve your attention. Here at Nonprofit Hub, we want to share with you some of our favorite minds that are working to make nonprofits more remarkable. Each month we will feature someone who we think you should hear from.

This month’s featured thought leader, or as we call them—Hub Spokes for Hub Folks—is Jeff Brooks, the creative director at True Sense Marketing. Jeff has been writing for almost 10 years about fundraising with a focus on the donors. He dives into the details about why despite all the technology advances, you need to know who your donors are and how you can best connect with them.

We also have many other nonprofit community leaders on the page that we think you should be aware of. So take some time and follow them on Twitter, and look at the expertise that they are sharing on their blogs. These people will help you manage all those hats you have to wear, and help you look good doing it.

Hub Spokes for Hub Folks [Nonprofit Hub]


Lincoln Arneal

Lincoln Arneal was a Senior Editor at Nonprofit Hub who brought loads of real-world nonprofit experience to the team. He was the past executive director of a nonprofit that provided leadership development to junior high and high school students. He looked to bring the insights from his time forming, developing, and running a nonprofit to help others in their quest to do good. Lincoln also had a legal background and had written for various newspapers (covering high school sports) for the past 15 years. He could be followed on Twitter at @NPLNK.

October 3, 2014

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