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Tim Kachuriak

About Tim Kachuriak

im Kachuriak is the founder and Chief Innovation and Optimization Officer for Next After, a research and consulting firm that works with businesses, nonprofits and NGOs to help them grow their resource capacity. Prior to founding NextAfter, Tim served as Senior Vice President of Innovation and Optimization for The Pursuant Group, and Vice President of Digital for KMA Direct Communications. During his career, Tim has consulted with a number of national and international nonprofits including The Heritage Foundation, Prison Fellowship International, Doctors Without Borders, Wycliffe Bible Translators, The George W. Bush Presidential Center, Moody Bible Institute, The Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview, as well as others. A nonprofit thought leader, Tim is the lead researcher and co-author of the Online Fundraising Scorecard, a contributing writer for Fundraising Success, CO+OP, and Outcomes magazines. Tim has trained organizations around the world as far away as Bangalore, India and Oslo, Norway and is a frequent speaker at national nonprofit conferences including Social Media for Nonprofits, Association of Fundraising Professionals, the Direct Marketing Association Non Profit Federation, the National Religious Broadcasters association, Missio-Nexus, and the Christian Leadership Alliance. Tim is also the co-founder of Online for Life where he currently serves a Vice Chairman, co-founder and managing partner of Flux Analytics and Donor ID, and is on the MECLABS Advisory Board for Optimization. A Western Pennsylvania native, Tim and his wife Rebecca currently live in Prosper, TX with their four children Max, Charlie, Gracie, and Joey.
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