Are you ready to create a planned giving plan? A planned giving plan is difficult because it’s hard to talk about the end, right? Not necessarily! In this episode of the Good to Growth Podcast, Lori Kranczer opens our minds to the possibilities of planned giving...
Remote Boards are Here to Stay In March of 2020, many boards were faced with no choice but to continue to govern in a remote fashion. Federal and state gathering restrictions made the shift mandatory, but nearly two years later, many boards are opting to meet...
How a Nonprofit Organization Annual Report should Show, not Tell. Back in the day, a nonprofit organization annual report was a full-team effort comprised of selecting stock images, stories, paper, and binding. ED’s and advancement professionals balanced the...
Life has a way of demonstrating to us that we can do things we previously thought impossible. The COVID-19 pandemic and the pivot to a virtual work environment for the nonprofit sector is case and point. While not every nonprofit organization can sustain operating in...